Our last
paper, with the results of the metabarcoding study performed on the Posidonia oceanica beds in Cabrera, has
been just published in Frontiers of Marine Science.
This is the
Turon X,
Zarcero J, Antich A, Wangensteen OS, Ballesteros E, Cebrian E, Marco-Méndez C,
Alcoverro T. 2023. Metabarcoding the eukaryotic community of a threatened,
iconic Mediterranean habitat: Posidonia
oceanica seagrass meadows. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1145883. DOI:
Is is an
open access paper and here is the link:
We hope you
will find it interesting and will enjoy reading, see the abstract below:
Against the accelerating pace of worldwide
species extinction, reliable biodiversity assessments are critical, both as
baselines and to track potential declines. DNA metabarcoding techniques allow
for fast and comprehensive assessment of biodiversity in both terrestrial and
marine habitats. However, these methods need to be adapted and standardised for
each ecosystem in order to be effective. Seagrass meadows are among the most
diverse marine habitats and are irreplaceable in terms of the ecosystem
services they provide, yet metabarcoding has never been implemented for these
systems. In this study, we developed and tested a protocol for metabarcoding
the eukaryotic community of meadows of the iconic species, Posidonia oceanica L.
(Delile). This seagrass is the main habitat-forming species in
Mediterranean coastal waters and is known for its high diversity due to the
structural complexity of its canopy and rhizome structures. This habitat is
experiencing a range-wide retreat, and there is an urgent need for fast and
efficient methods for its biomonitoring and detection of early changes. Our
proposed method involves direct sampling of the community, collecting and
processing the leaves and rhizome strata separately. To test the utility of the
method in distinguishing between different meadow conditions, we sampled two
distinct meadows that differ in their prevailing wind and surge conditions, and
a nearby rocky reef for comparison. We then adapted a method and pipeline for
COI metabarcoding using generalist primers that target the eukaryote diversity
present. We detected a high diversity in the two meadows analysed (3,350
molecular operational taxonomic units, dominated by Metazoa and Archaeplastida)
and a clear differentiation of the seagrass samples from those of the nearby
rocky reefs. The leaves and rhizomes harboured clearly distinct assemblages,
and differences were also detected between the two meadows sampled. This new
tool has the potential to deliver big biodiversity data for seagrass habitats in
a fast and efficient way, which is crucial for the implementation of protection
and management measures for this key coastal habitat.
Image of a Posidonia oceanica meadow in Cabrera Island
(photo Kike Ballesteros)
Heatmap and cluster of the Posidonia oceanica samples.
Colour codes indicate stratum (horizontal bars) or meadow
(vertical bars)