Sequencing completed!

It took two runs of NovaSeq to have all samples sequenced in Novogene Company. The first batch in April 21 was mostly successful but some samples failed due to low DNA yield of the extraction procedure. We should note that, due to covd-19 supply problems, we couldn’t purchase the standard kit we used (PowerMax Soil Kit) and the alternative kit did not work as expected.

Once we could get the usual kit, we repeated the failed extractions for this and other projects and a second library was prepared in Tromso and sequenced in Novogene in December 21.

After combining both runs, now we have the COI of everything sequenced, with a depth of ca. one million reads per sample.  The 12S amplifications were sequenced in a MiSeq instrument in Tromso in November 21. We have therefore all sequences and we are starting bioinformatic analyses… let’s see what comes out!

                                  The Illumina  NovaSeq 6000 was our choice of sequencing platform